

Since 1966, the FCA Ministry has been present on campuses all across the country. The Campus Ministry is initiated and led by student-athletes and coaches on junior high, high school and college campuses.

The purpose of Campus Ministry, through various types, has been to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost and to seek to grow and mature a follower of Jesus Christ. The “win” of Campus Ministry is to see campuses impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches.
Resources for Campus

Huddle Up - Global Sports Gathering

During these trying times to keep our family and friends safe and healthy, we have adapted by using all forms of technology.
Never in the history of our ministry have we demonstrated more unity than in the last month. Teamwork at its best; bringing all those together who have a desire to gather and continue studies.  It brings us all hope and encouragement during this time.
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Huddle Option 1 

A targeted bible study within a unique individual team setting.

Huddle Option 2

A small group bible study for athletes from multiple sports teams.
Huddle Resources
Huddle Option 3

A small group Bible Study for coaches that coach teams at all levels on campus and in community club/travel sports

Ministry Resources

Resources to help you grow and do ministry in a virtual environment.
Ministry Resources
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